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Townsville Tour Operators .. detailed information
Jupiters Townsville Hotel & Casino
Sir Leslie Theiss Drive Townsville
Contact Name :Mark McGregor
Phone :(07)4722 2333
Fax :(07)4772 4741
Email :info@jupiterstownsville.com.au
Notes :192 rooms, 1.5 km CBD, a/c, tel, 24 hr reception & room service, movies, 3 Lic. Restnts, Conf. Facils, bus. Centre, voice mail, l'net, Playstation, inter-con rooms, bath, cots, laundry, disabled facils, pool, spa, sauna, gym, tennis, casino, c/cards.

      Additional info .. 

      Sponsored by Townsville City Council
      and Townsville Enterprise